Friday, January 15, 2010

Ovarian Cysts -- What are Ovarian Cysts and How Can You Get Rid of Them?

Just like you, many women want to know what are ovarian cysts and how you can you get rid of them.

Ovarian cysts are fluid-filled sac-like structures that can form in, on or near a the ovaries -- two walnut-sized organs located on either side of the uterus and under the fallopian tubes. Ovarian cysts commonly affect women during their reproductive years, particularly between the ages of 20 and 35.

Women who suffer from endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease or bulimia, or take the epilepsy drug Valporate tend to be more susceptible to ovarian cysts than most.

Every month, women produce a small structure known as a follicle as part of the reproductive cycle. This normal fluid-filled sac contains an egg which a woman's body releases during ovulation around day 14 of the menstrual cycle.

What causes ovarian cysts?

• Functional cysts

This type of cyst is common and develops from tissue changes during ovulation. Every month, ovaries normally grow cystic structures called follicles. Typically, follicles return to normal ovarian tissue after ovulation. But sometimes there one or more fluid-filled cyst remains for four to six weeks.

• Follicular and corpus luteum cysts

A follicular cyst develops from a follicle that grows larger than normal, fills with fluid and does release the egg

A corpus luteum cyst is seen as a yellow tissue mass forming from the follicle after ovulation. They tend to disappear after two or three menstrual cycles, and are associated with normal ovarian function.

• Abnormal/neoplastic cysts

These cysts develop as a result of cell growth. In most cases, they are benign and rarely become cancerous. There are two types of abnormal cysts.

Dermoid cysts occur when ovarian tissue grows abnormally to form other body tissues such as hair, teeth, fatty material, bone or cartilage.

Polycystic cysts develop as a result of a buildup of multiple small cysts which, in turn, can cause hormonal imbalances in a woman'd body.

Diagnosing Ovarian Cysts

Diagnosing ovarian cysts is based on the symptoms, a review of your medical history, a physical examination and pelvic exam.

The most common symptoms associated with ovarian cysts include:

• Sudden and severe pain in the abdomen or pelvis
• Increased facial hair
• Fullness or swelling of the abdomen
• Severe abdominal accompanied by fever or vomiting
• Pelvic pain during intercourse
• Constant ache that extends to lower back and thighs
• Menstrual irregularities – delayed, irregular or painful menstrual periods
• Pelvic pain shortly before your period begins or just before it ends
• Difficulty emptying your bladder completely as a result of pressure on the bladder
• Pain during bowel movements or pressure on your bowels
• Nausia, vomiting or breast tenderness that is experienced during pregnancy

One or more tests such as a pregnancy test, ultrasound, computerized axial tomography (CAT-scan), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI scanning), laparoscopy or blood test may be required.

Medical treatments

Treatment of ovarian cysts generally depends on the woman’s age, the size and type of cyst, overall health status and severity of symptoms. Sometimes treatment may not be required for cysts because they're apt to heal on their own.

Periodic pelvic ultrasound monitoring should be performed regularly, especially for postmenopausal women.

Hormone therapy such as birth control pills may be prescribed to limit the development of new cysts and decrease your risk of cancer.

Surgical procedures

If cysts are large, abnormal or cause pain, surgery may be recommended.

Cysts may be removed in a procedure known as a cystectomy which does not require removing the ovary; or an oophorectomy, which involves removing the affected ovary and leaving the other intact.

If the cyst is cancerous, a hysterectomy may be performed to remove both ovaries and uterus.

Natural remedies

Natural treatments such as herbal remedies are safe and effective. They restore a woman's hormone balance while reducing and preventing ovarian cysts.

These herbs are safe and gentle on your body’s system. They'll also enhance your overall health and wellbeing.

Get the information you need to rid your body of ovarian cysts and ultimately prevent cysts from forming in the first place

Learn all you need to know about ovarian cysts and how you can get rid of them safely and effectively. Go to

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