Thursday, January 14, 2010

Different Types of Ovarian Cysts -- How to Get Rid of Different Types of Ovarian Cysts

At some point in their lives, most women will have one or more ovarian cysts, and most will remain unaware of a cyst's presence because they usually disappear on their own.

Different types of ovarian cysts have particular characteristics, and some can generate more pain than others.

Only your doctor can identify the type and presence of cysts -- usually by using ultrasound instruments. But from that point forward, it is your choice as to how you'd like to proceed with treatment.

Ovarian cysts are fluid filled sacs that form on the ovaries and, as mentioned, most of the time you won’t even know they’re there. However, sometimes cysts become enlarged or rupture which can cause pain. The recurrence of some ovarian cysts can cause fertility issues.

Typical cyst symptoms include

• Appetite loss
• Weight gain
• Pain during menstruation or abnormal bleeding
• Difficulty urinating
• Bloating or abdominal pain
• Lower back pain
• Pain during sexual intercourse
• Frequent need to urinate
• Upset stomach

Severe symptoms include

• Acute abdominal pain
• Fatigue
• Vomiting
• Dizziness
• Fever
• Shortness of breath and/or rapid breathing

Among the different types of ovarian cysts, the most common are

• corpus luteum and
• follicular cysts

Neither causes severe pain or is difficult to remedy.
Less common cysts known to cause pain are

• dermoid and
• endometrioid cysts.

The key to a happier life when dealing with these different types of cysts is to know how to treat them.

Traditional medicine usually opts for hormonal treatments or surgery, but both of those cause their own side effects and can be painful.

A woman should not subject herself to surgery twice a year to remedy recurring cysts. And she should not be taking hormone pills for many years. Eventually the drugs and surgeries will begin causing harm to a woman's body.

Many women now rely on natural methods to rid their bodies of ovarian cysts. Such methods are effective, efficient and economical. They're easy to keep up and are not time consuming.

Prevention is a great defense against ovarian cysts. In time, natural remedies cause cysts to disappear, reduce pain and prevent cysts from recurring.

Most women aren't aware that just treating the symptoms of ovarian cysts doesn’t work. You must realize that ridding your body of ovarian cysts requires that you get down to the root cause.

Get the information you need to rid your body of different types of ovarian cysts
Learn how you can gain relief from different types of ovarian cysts and how you can continue to enjoy natural, effective and permanent relief. Go to

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