Thursday, January 14, 2010

Large Ovarian Cyst -- Natural Treatments Remove Large Ovarian Cysts

What can you learn from the size of an ovarian cyst?

The only way you can really know the size of an ovarian cyst is to go to your doctor and undergo an ultrasound procedure.

If your doctor determines that you have a large ovarian cyst, you must consider your treatment options. That's because large cysts can be painful and rupture.

You should be aware of these most common types of large ovarian cysts.

• Follicular cysts can grow over two inches across, but usually they're not painful.

• Dermoid cysts can grow up to six inches across and cause severe pain.

• Endometrioid cysts can reach eight inches and usually cause menstruation pain

While these three cysts can cause pain, they don't remain permanently.

Actually, while cysts can occur in most women, severe pain or complications associated with such cysts is infrequent.

Typical cyst symptoms include

• Pain during sexual intercourse
• Lower back pain
• Pain during menstruation or abnormal bleeding
• Difficulty urinating
• Bloating or abdominal pain
• Upset stomach
• Weight gain
• Appetite loss
• Frequent need to urinate

More severe symptoms include

• Fatigue
• Vomiting
• Dizziness
• Fever
• Acute abdominal pain
• Shortness of breath and/or rapid breathing

There is no reason to continually experience or suffer from cysts.

Most cysts will disappear on their own without treatment. So don’t conclude that medical intervention is always necessary. Surgery can only remove cysts currently on your ovaries. Surgery does nothing to prevent cysts from developing in the future.

Hormonal treatments prescribed to women can result in damaging side effects, so it is important to be very careful when choosing a method.

It is important to learn how to prevent cysts so you needn't experience the pain of having one in the first place.

Women who followed a natural program of proven and reliable treatment methods enjoyed these results:

• Their ovarian cysts shrunk rapidly
• The unbearable pain was gone within a few short days
• The vast majority did not require frightening surgery
• Most who followed the program never experience a single cyst again

Other unexpected benefits of natural methods:

• Women lost excessive weight
• Their menstrual cycles become more consistent
• Their emotions become more balanced, and they felt happier and calmer
Just as incredible, natural methods works on almost all types of ovarian cysts, all levels of severity and with women of any age.

Get the information you need to naturally manage large ovarian cysts

Learn how you can gain relief from large ovarian cysts and how you can continue to enjoy natural, effective and permanent relief. Go to 

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