Saturday, January 23, 2010

Prevent Ovarian Cyst Pain -- What Causes and Cures Ovarian Cyst Pain

While most ovarian cysts go unnoticed and have no symptoms, many women suffer frequently and severely from the stark reality of ovarian cyst pain throughout their lives. Ovarian cyst pain is largely due to abnormalities in a woman's complex reproductive system and her associated monthly menstrual cycle that can cause the formation of painful ovarian cysts.

A cyst is a fluid-filled sac that can form anywhere in or on a person's body and, in most instances, will disappear on its own. Ovarian cysts, after forming on a woman's ovaries, usually dissolve naturally within two or three months.

Among the various types of ovarian cysts, "functional" cysts are the most common. And two varieties of functional cysts are called follicle cysts and corpus luteum cysts.

• A follicle cyst forms when, during the menstrual cycle, the egg does not free itself from the sac surrounding it on the ovary. This leads to an infection which causes fluid to fill the sac. Such cysts may cause only mild or no ovarian cyst pain, and you may not be aware of its presence.

• A corpus luteum cyst formes when the egg is released properly but its surrounding sac fails to dissolve and disappear. Such cysts can be more serious than follicle cysts. In some cases they grow very large, twist one or both ovaries and -- in extreme cases -- must be surgically removed.

Similar to follicle cysts, corpus luteum cysts usually disappear within two or three months unless complications occur.

Most frequently, ovarian cysts go unnoticed. But if any of the following conditions exist, you should learn the cause.

Typical cyst symptoms

• Upset stomach
• Difficulty urinating
• Lower back pain
• Frequent need to urinate
• Appetite loss
• Pain during sexual intercourse
• Weight gain
• Bloating or abdominal pain
• Pain during menstruation or abnormal bleeding

More severe symptoms
• Dizziness
• Shortness of breath and/or rapid breathing
• Fatigue
• Fever
• Acute abdominal pain
• Vomiting

What should you do if you are experiencing severe ovarian cyst pain?

On the positive side, most cysts disappear after a short time, and ovarian cyst pain is usually mild or nonexistent.

Most doctors will advise you to wait through at least two menstrual cycles because cysts usually dissolve on their own.

If the cyst has not dissolved within two or three months or if it has grown or is causing you extreme pain, your doctor may suggest surgery to remove the cyst. While it is understandable that you might fear surgery to remove an ovarian cyst, such surgery is very common and safe.

You can take comfort in the fact that most ovarian cysts are not cancerous. Cancer is only one factor that will determine whether or not surgery is necessary.

You may require the removal of one ovary. This procedure should not affect your normal reproductive system.

Natural treatments enable you to avoid surgery

While ovarian cyst pain may be a fact of life, the consistent presence of cysts on your ovaries can be a troubling condition. And while surgery is often prescribed to remove cysts on ovaries, surgery won't prevent cysts from reoccurring.

Rather than relying on surgery, drugs, hormone therapy, pain killers or other traditional medical treatments, you can benefit from many natural methods to relieve the pain and discomfort caused by ovarian cysts. These natural methods will also prevent cysts from forming in the fist place or reforming after cysts have been removed or otherwise have disappeared.

Another significant benefit of natural methods is that they're completely safe for you; and if you become pregnant, they're safe for your baby.
Get the information you need to rid your body of ovarian cyst pain and prevent cysts from forming in the first place

Get the most thorough and effective information available to treat your ovarian cyst pain and enable you to prevent cysts from forming at all. Go to

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Ovarian Cysts During Pregnancy -- Treating Your Ovarian Cysts During Pregnancy

Ovarian cysts have the potential to cause health problems for you at any time. However there is no doubt that ovarian cysts during pregnancy can present a serious threat to your health as well as your child's wellbeing. Two lives are involved.

However, you're in a much better position to manage ovarian cysts during pregnancy if you gain knowledge concerning the nature of the threat and how you can deal with it.

A cyst is essentially a fluid-filled sac that forms inside or on the surface of your ovaries. For many women, cysts often form on their ovaries but go unnoticed during the regular menstrual cycle.

This most common type of cyst, called a functional cyst, initially contains an egg starting to mature. The fully mature egg will cause the sac to release it along with the surrounding fluid. The mature egg will move into the fallopian tube where it can be fertilized. Functional cysts rarely occur during pregnancy.

Dangers caused by cysts on ovaries

Ovarian cysts during pregnancy that cause great concern are large, relatively solid masses that form due to unnatural or irregular bodily processes. Additionally, the problem posed by these and other cysts that form during pregnancy, regardless of size and whether or not they're benign, is that they may burst. When a cyst ruptures, it can release an overwhelming amount of bacteria into your body. Another danger is that cysts of all kinds can twist and cause severe pain.

A cyst is considered large when it exceeds two to three inches across. Cysts of this size that form on the ovaries during pregnancy will cause you significant pain. They will also press on your developing fetus. That's because the cysts, your child and surrounding organs are packed into such a small, cramped area.

Surgical removal

The need to remove ovarian cysts during pregnancy is not uncommon. Surgery is often prescribed to protect both you and your child prior to and during the child's delivery.

However, before undergoing the removal of ovarian cysts during pregnancy, your physician will perform an ultrasound scan to determine the most effective and least threatening course of action. You and your physician must protect you and your child by choosing surgery or some other effective treatment.

If surgery is necessary, the preferred time to remove cysts on ovaries during pregnancy is during the second trimester. That would be between the fourth and sixth month of pregnancy when the child's systems are relatively well developed.

While the odds are approximately 1 in 25,000 that an ovarian cyst during pregnancy is cancerous, large cysts must be removed or dissipated due to the possibility they'll cause a miscarriage or pre-term labor.
Standard open surgery conducted to remove threatening ovarian cysts during pregnancy, may require a large incision. However, your surgeon will probably rely on a minimally invasive laparoscopic procedure to remove the cyst without leaving a large scar.
Natural treatments enable you to avoid surgery

While surgery is often prescribed to remove cysts on ovaries during pregnancy, surgery can be very risky for a pregnant woman. Plus, surgery won't prevent cysts from reoccurring.

That means, if your doctor operated on you to remove cysts on your ovaries during mid-pregnancy, it is possible one or more large cysts could develop before you give birth.

To your advantage, you can benefit from many natural methods to relieve the pain and discomfort caused by ovarian cysts during pregnancy. These natural methods will also prevent cysts from forming in the fist place or after cysts have been removed or have disappeared due to other treatments.

Another significant benefit of natural methods is that they're completely safe for you and your baby.

Get the information you need to rid your body of ovarian cysts during pregnancy and ultimately prevent cysts from forming in the first place

Get the most thorough and effective information available to treat your ovarian cysts during pregnancy and enable you to prevent cysts from forming at all. Go to

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Burst Ovarian Cyst -- What Causes a Burst Ovarian Cyst

While any ovarian cyst can cause problems, most go unnoticed and disappear without medical attention. However, on occasion, they cause severe pain and discomfort, particularly when a woman is subjected to a burst ovarian cyst.

What causes a burst ovarian cyst?

The usual reason for a burst ovarian cysts is because it has grown especially large due to an excessive amount of fluid building up inside. At some point, the thin membrane surrounding the cyst cannot hold the extra fluid, which causes it to burst.

There is some speculation that intense exercise and physical activities involving your abdominal muscles located near your ovaries and the cyst can cause an excessively large cyst to burst.

Symptoms of a burst ovarian cyst

Bleeding unrelated to your menstrual period is a strong indication that you may have a burst ovarian cyst.

Pelvic pain
While pelvic pain can be associated with menstrual cramps, it can also indicate a ruptured ovarian cyst -- especially of the pain is severe and long lasting.

Irregular periods
A delayed or early period, or an unusually heavy or light flow can indicate a cyst's presence. And a burst cyst can intensify such problems.

Excessive urination
The frequent urge to urinate can indicate a ruptured cyst on ovaries. Burst cysts increase pressure throughout the abdominal area, which can cause urination and bowel movement difficulties.

Vomiting and nausea
When a cyst ruptures, its fluid contents discharged into your body is essentially a foreign substance. Your body rejects this substance by causing nausea and vomiting.

Body changes due to hormone fluctuations
Weight gain and breast tenderness can be caused by abnormal hormonal levels resulting from a ruptured cyst on your ovary.

Besides your immediate need to get relief from the pain, discomfort and other problems ovarian cysts can cause, they should not be ignored. A cyst could be a warning indicating a systemic problem or imbalance in your body and, in some instances, an alert of a serious disease developing.

Traditional medical treatments usually call for pain medications or hormone supplements. However, such medications simply mask your symptoms.

You doctor might suggest surgery to remove cysts on an ovary, but surgery won't prevent cysts from developing in the first place. Hormone supplements are similarly limited when it comes to providing relief.

Rely on natural treatments

If you are suffering from the pain and discomfort caused by ovarian cysts, you may think your only relief lies with traditional medications, birth control pills or surgery. But medications only mask the symptoms. And medications or surgery can't prevent new cysts from forming or rupturing.

You can benefit immediately and over the long term to cure and prevent ovarian cysts by using natural remedies. Such remedies will relieve your immediate pain while preventing cysts from recurring in the future.

Find out more about how you can prevent a burst ovarian cyst through natural treatments

For complete and thorough information about proven natural techniques you can apply to prevent a burst ovarian cyst and to prevent cysts from forming or returning, click here:

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Natural Cures For Ovarian Cysts vs. Standard Medical Treatments

Do you know your treatment options for ovarian cysts? Most doctors will suggest conventional treatments such as birth control pills, hormone supplements, pain killers or even surgery.

Such treatments have significant drawbacks, particularly their inability to cure you of ovarian cysts and prevent them from reoccurring.

That's why many women are turning to natural treatments to permanently rid their bodies of cysts on their ovaries. And their choice in this regard is supported by research showing that natural cures can be more effective than conventional medical treatments.

Typically, women develop ovarian cysts due to a variety of factors rather than one single cause. Primary factors contributing to cyst development include a woman's

• Weakened immune system
• Genetic makeup
• Insulin resistance
• Poor dietetic choices
• Frequent ovulation complications

When determining an ovarian cyst treatment for a particular woman, a doctor must consider the cyst's type and size. And usually the first treatment choice is to stop ovulation to preclude cyst growth. This is done by prescribing birth control pills.

However, if a woman is of childbearing age and plans to have children, she many have to choose between getting pregnant and dealing with cysts on her ovaries. Natural treatments are most beneficial in this regard because they cure and prevent cysts while still enabling a woman to becoming pregnant.

If you rely on birth control pills to treat your cysts, your physician may recommended that you wait at least one year after going off the pill to become pregnant. If you have a history of ovarian cysts and stop taking birth control pills, it is entirely possible that you will develop cysts before becoming pregnant. And cysts can cause pregnancy complications.

Because ovarian cysts can cause extreme pain, your physician may prescribe medications to control your discomfort. This can be a problem if you choose not to be attached long term to pain medications. Also, you must stop taking such medications if you become pregnant.

If you experience frequent medical complications due to cysts, or cysts continually develop on your ovaries, your physician may recommend surgery. Most typically, only the cyst would be surgically removed. However, your doctor might suggest removing your ovaries to prevent cyst formation entirely.

The problem with such an operation is that ovary removal and the resultant hormone imbalance can lead to negative personality changes. Ironically, the treatment for this imbalance is hormone therapy.

Conventional treatments -- other than ovary removal -- don't preclude cysts from reoccurring. Such treatments don't cure the problem's root cause. More than 90 percent of women who undergo conventional treatments still get cysts.

Natural cures offer many advantages over medical treatments.

Natural treatments enable you to completely and permanently cure your ovarian cysts and prevent them from returning.

As opposed to conventional methods, natural treatments have no negative side effects while providing the most effective means to cure and prevent cysts. Natural cures act on the reasons why your body creates cysts. They don't just treat the symptoms. That's why women all over now rely on natural cures for ovarian cysts.

Don't let ovarian cysts disrupt your life and negatively impact your personality. Release yourself from conventional treatments. Rely on natural cures to permanently rid your body of cysts while preventing their return.

Get the information you need to cure ovarian cysts with natural cures

Learn how natural cures for ovarian cysts can give you immediate, effective and permanent relief.
Go to

Monday, January 18, 2010

Alternative Treatments to Cure Ovarian Cysts

Can you rely on alternative treatments to cure ovarian cysts?

Of course you can.

The truth is you needn't subject yourself to surgery or a life of medications to cure your ovarian cysts. This is especially true if you've discovered your cysts during their early formation when alternative remedies for ovarian cysts are particularly effective.

What causes cysts to form and grow in the first place?

Cysts -- liquid-filled sacs -- can develop anywhere in a person's body. Some types appear on a woman's ovaries. For some women ovarian cysts can be very common, especially during their childbearing years.

The most common ovarian cyst -- a functional cyst -- develops during ovulation. Such cysts develop if the egg is not relesed or the sac holding an egg fails to dissolve subsequent to releasing the egg.

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) causes numerous small cysts to form on the ovaries.

Ovarian cyts usually go undetected because they don't generate any symptoms. However, if any of the following symptoms do occur, you should visit your doctr to determine their cause.

Cyst symptoms can include

  • Difficulty urinating
  • Pain during menstruation or abnormal bleeding
  • Upset stomach
  • Lower back pain
  • Appetite loss
  • Frequent need to urinate
  • Bloating or abdominal pain
  • Pain during sexual intercourse
  • Weight gain
More severe symptoms may include
  • Acute abdominal pain
  • Fever
  • Fatigue
  • Vomiting
  • Dizziness
  • Shortness of breath and/or rapid breathing
Your diet and the drugs you take will have a huge impact on our health. This is especially true due to the many food additives you can't control. By managing your diet, you can reduce and even eliminate ovarian cysts from developing in your body.

Alternative treatments for ovarian cysts call for the elimination of caffeine from your diet. That means no coffee, chocolate or cola. Caffeine is considered a significant cause of ovarian cysts.

Oral contraceptives can also play a role in the development of ovarian cysts. That's why some women experience pain and discomfort caused by cysts after giving birth. Even worse, they may learn that cysts are preventing them from getting pregnant.

A vegetarian diet can help to eliminate and preventing cysts. Dairy products are not recommended. It is advisable to take calcium supplements instead.

Other alternative treatments to cure ovarian cysts include reflexology, acupuncture, Chinese medicine, holistic treatments and herbal remedies.

Many methods are available that will help you to get rid of one or more cysts on an ovary. However, conventional treatments have their drawbacks, and most won't cure your problem permanently.

Natural cures for ovary cysts can prevent complications associated with drugs, hormone treatments and surgery while such natural methods also provide you with relief and comfort.

Get the information you need to cure your ovarian cysts with alternative treatments

Go to to learn how you can benefit immediately from alternative treatments to cure ovarian cysts and continue to enjoy effective, safe and permanent relief.

Prevent Ovarian Cysts -- Easy Ways to Prevent Ovarian Cysts

Ovarian cysts are fluid-filled sacs that form on a woman's ovaries. You can rely on many easy ways to prevent ovarian cysts and to relieve the pain and discomfort they cause.

Each month throughout a woman’s childbearing years -- during a process called ovulation -- the ovaries produce and release eggs.

During ovulation a structure resembling a cyst called a follicle forms inside the ovary. As the follicle develops, it forms a sac on top of the ovary which holds an egg.

If the egg matures, the sac ruptures and releases the egg. Normally, the sac will disappear after the egg's release. If the sac does not dissolve or if it closes after releasing the egg, it may enlarge with fluid to become an ovarian cyst.

Women who don’t ovulate regularly can develop multiple cysts. When this happens, the ovaries often become enlarged and contain many small clustered cysts under a thickened, outer capsule.

Called polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), this complex condition involves multiple hormonal and organ system dysfunction. Numerous ovarian cysts are just one facet of this disorder.

The most common symptoms of ovarian cysts include

• Weight gain
• Nausea or vomiting
• Urination problems
• Abdominal or pelvic swelling or pain
• Pain in the lower back and thighs
• Menstrual pain
• Pain during sex
• Abnormal bleeding
• Breast tenderness

More severe symptoms requiring immediate attention include

• A combination of pain, fever and vomiting
• Faintness, dizziness or weakness
• Sudden, severe abdominal pain
• Rapid breathing

While the pain and discomfort associated with ovarian cysts would make you want to rid your body of this malady, you should not otherwise ignore them. They can be a warning that a general problem or chemical imbalance may be occurring in your body and. In some cases cysts can be an alert that a serious disease may be developing.

Most cysts simply disappear and do not require medical intervention. But they may also call for pain relief. And most women would like a long-term solution that would prevent cysts from returning -- as well as occurring in the first place.
Natural techniques that shrink cysts and cause them to disappear focus on

• Making lifestyle changes to prevent cyst formation
• Maintaining a healthy preventative diet
• Restoring a natural hormone balance
• Maintaining your body's ability to overcome certain types of pain
• Exercising to reduce stress
• Exercising to diminish cyst formation and resultant complications

You can rely on these and many other natural techniques to prevent ovarian cysts, rid your body of cysts and reduce their impact.

• An effective way to relieve cyst-related abdominal pain is to apply a heating pad or hot water bottle or by taking a hot bath. You can also reduce abdominal pressure by increasing your fiber and water intake.

• Drinking chamomile, mint and raspberry teas can relieve pain and help you relax. For maximum benefit, drink herbal teas before going to bed.
• Extra hydration is essential to preventing ovarian cyst formation. Drink eight glasses of water per day.

• Multivitamins, minerals, vitamin C, zinc, vitamin B, antioxidants and herbs such as Echinacea and milk thistle combined with a proper diet and a program to balance hormones will strengthen you body's immune system, protect against abnormal cell growth and enhance liver function.

Get the information you need to rid your body of ovarian cysts and ultimately prevent cysts from forming in the first place

Learn all you need to know about easy ways to prevent ovarian cysts and how you can get rid of them safely and permanently.
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