Monday, January 18, 2010

Alternative Treatments to Cure Ovarian Cysts

Can you rely on alternative treatments to cure ovarian cysts?

Of course you can.

The truth is you needn't subject yourself to surgery or a life of medications to cure your ovarian cysts. This is especially true if you've discovered your cysts during their early formation when alternative remedies for ovarian cysts are particularly effective.

What causes cysts to form and grow in the first place?

Cysts -- liquid-filled sacs -- can develop anywhere in a person's body. Some types appear on a woman's ovaries. For some women ovarian cysts can be very common, especially during their childbearing years.

The most common ovarian cyst -- a functional cyst -- develops during ovulation. Such cysts develop if the egg is not relesed or the sac holding an egg fails to dissolve subsequent to releasing the egg.

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) causes numerous small cysts to form on the ovaries.

Ovarian cyts usually go undetected because they don't generate any symptoms. However, if any of the following symptoms do occur, you should visit your doctr to determine their cause.

Cyst symptoms can include

  • Difficulty urinating
  • Pain during menstruation or abnormal bleeding
  • Upset stomach
  • Lower back pain
  • Appetite loss
  • Frequent need to urinate
  • Bloating or abdominal pain
  • Pain during sexual intercourse
  • Weight gain
More severe symptoms may include
  • Acute abdominal pain
  • Fever
  • Fatigue
  • Vomiting
  • Dizziness
  • Shortness of breath and/or rapid breathing
Your diet and the drugs you take will have a huge impact on our health. This is especially true due to the many food additives you can't control. By managing your diet, you can reduce and even eliminate ovarian cysts from developing in your body.

Alternative treatments for ovarian cysts call for the elimination of caffeine from your diet. That means no coffee, chocolate or cola. Caffeine is considered a significant cause of ovarian cysts.

Oral contraceptives can also play a role in the development of ovarian cysts. That's why some women experience pain and discomfort caused by cysts after giving birth. Even worse, they may learn that cysts are preventing them from getting pregnant.

A vegetarian diet can help to eliminate and preventing cysts. Dairy products are not recommended. It is advisable to take calcium supplements instead.

Other alternative treatments to cure ovarian cysts include reflexology, acupuncture, Chinese medicine, holistic treatments and herbal remedies.

Many methods are available that will help you to get rid of one or more cysts on an ovary. However, conventional treatments have their drawbacks, and most won't cure your problem permanently.

Natural cures for ovary cysts can prevent complications associated with drugs, hormone treatments and surgery while such natural methods also provide you with relief and comfort.

Get the information you need to cure your ovarian cysts with alternative treatments

Go to to learn how you can benefit immediately from alternative treatments to cure ovarian cysts and continue to enjoy effective, safe and permanent relief.

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