Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Burst Ovarian Cyst -- What Causes a Burst Ovarian Cyst

While any ovarian cyst can cause problems, most go unnoticed and disappear without medical attention. However, on occasion, they cause severe pain and discomfort, particularly when a woman is subjected to a burst ovarian cyst.

What causes a burst ovarian cyst?

The usual reason for a burst ovarian cysts is because it has grown especially large due to an excessive amount of fluid building up inside. At some point, the thin membrane surrounding the cyst cannot hold the extra fluid, which causes it to burst.

There is some speculation that intense exercise and physical activities involving your abdominal muscles located near your ovaries and the cyst can cause an excessively large cyst to burst.

Symptoms of a burst ovarian cyst

Bleeding unrelated to your menstrual period is a strong indication that you may have a burst ovarian cyst.

Pelvic pain
While pelvic pain can be associated with menstrual cramps, it can also indicate a ruptured ovarian cyst -- especially of the pain is severe and long lasting.

Irregular periods
A delayed or early period, or an unusually heavy or light flow can indicate a cyst's presence. And a burst cyst can intensify such problems.

Excessive urination
The frequent urge to urinate can indicate a ruptured cyst on ovaries. Burst cysts increase pressure throughout the abdominal area, which can cause urination and bowel movement difficulties.

Vomiting and nausea
When a cyst ruptures, its fluid contents discharged into your body is essentially a foreign substance. Your body rejects this substance by causing nausea and vomiting.

Body changes due to hormone fluctuations
Weight gain and breast tenderness can be caused by abnormal hormonal levels resulting from a ruptured cyst on your ovary.

Besides your immediate need to get relief from the pain, discomfort and other problems ovarian cysts can cause, they should not be ignored. A cyst could be a warning indicating a systemic problem or imbalance in your body and, in some instances, an alert of a serious disease developing.

Traditional medical treatments usually call for pain medications or hormone supplements. However, such medications simply mask your symptoms.

You doctor might suggest surgery to remove cysts on an ovary, but surgery won't prevent cysts from developing in the first place. Hormone supplements are similarly limited when it comes to providing relief.

Rely on natural treatments

If you are suffering from the pain and discomfort caused by ovarian cysts, you may think your only relief lies with traditional medications, birth control pills or surgery. But medications only mask the symptoms. And medications or surgery can't prevent new cysts from forming or rupturing.

You can benefit immediately and over the long term to cure and prevent ovarian cysts by using natural remedies. Such remedies will relieve your immediate pain while preventing cysts from recurring in the future.

Find out more about how you can prevent a burst ovarian cyst through natural treatments

For complete and thorough information about proven natural techniques you can apply to prevent a burst ovarian cyst and to prevent cysts from forming or returning, click here:

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