Monday, January 18, 2010

Prevent Ovarian Cysts -- Easy Ways to Prevent Ovarian Cysts

Ovarian cysts are fluid-filled sacs that form on a woman's ovaries. You can rely on many easy ways to prevent ovarian cysts and to relieve the pain and discomfort they cause.

Each month throughout a woman’s childbearing years -- during a process called ovulation -- the ovaries produce and release eggs.

During ovulation a structure resembling a cyst called a follicle forms inside the ovary. As the follicle develops, it forms a sac on top of the ovary which holds an egg.

If the egg matures, the sac ruptures and releases the egg. Normally, the sac will disappear after the egg's release. If the sac does not dissolve or if it closes after releasing the egg, it may enlarge with fluid to become an ovarian cyst.

Women who don’t ovulate regularly can develop multiple cysts. When this happens, the ovaries often become enlarged and contain many small clustered cysts under a thickened, outer capsule.

Called polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), this complex condition involves multiple hormonal and organ system dysfunction. Numerous ovarian cysts are just one facet of this disorder.

The most common symptoms of ovarian cysts include

• Weight gain
• Nausea or vomiting
• Urination problems
• Abdominal or pelvic swelling or pain
• Pain in the lower back and thighs
• Menstrual pain
• Pain during sex
• Abnormal bleeding
• Breast tenderness

More severe symptoms requiring immediate attention include

• A combination of pain, fever and vomiting
• Faintness, dizziness or weakness
• Sudden, severe abdominal pain
• Rapid breathing

While the pain and discomfort associated with ovarian cysts would make you want to rid your body of this malady, you should not otherwise ignore them. They can be a warning that a general problem or chemical imbalance may be occurring in your body and. In some cases cysts can be an alert that a serious disease may be developing.

Most cysts simply disappear and do not require medical intervention. But they may also call for pain relief. And most women would like a long-term solution that would prevent cysts from returning -- as well as occurring in the first place.
Natural techniques that shrink cysts and cause them to disappear focus on

• Making lifestyle changes to prevent cyst formation
• Maintaining a healthy preventative diet
• Restoring a natural hormone balance
• Maintaining your body's ability to overcome certain types of pain
• Exercising to reduce stress
• Exercising to diminish cyst formation and resultant complications

You can rely on these and many other natural techniques to prevent ovarian cysts, rid your body of cysts and reduce their impact.

• An effective way to relieve cyst-related abdominal pain is to apply a heating pad or hot water bottle or by taking a hot bath. You can also reduce abdominal pressure by increasing your fiber and water intake.

• Drinking chamomile, mint and raspberry teas can relieve pain and help you relax. For maximum benefit, drink herbal teas before going to bed.
• Extra hydration is essential to preventing ovarian cyst formation. Drink eight glasses of water per day.

• Multivitamins, minerals, vitamin C, zinc, vitamin B, antioxidants and herbs such as Echinacea and milk thistle combined with a proper diet and a program to balance hormones will strengthen you body's immune system, protect against abnormal cell growth and enhance liver function.

Get the information you need to rid your body of ovarian cysts and ultimately prevent cysts from forming in the first place

Learn all you need to know about easy ways to prevent ovarian cysts and how you can get rid of them safely and permanently.
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