Thursday, January 21, 2010

Ovarian Cysts During Pregnancy -- Treating Your Ovarian Cysts During Pregnancy

Ovarian cysts have the potential to cause health problems for you at any time. However there is no doubt that ovarian cysts during pregnancy can present a serious threat to your health as well as your child's wellbeing. Two lives are involved.

However, you're in a much better position to manage ovarian cysts during pregnancy if you gain knowledge concerning the nature of the threat and how you can deal with it.

A cyst is essentially a fluid-filled sac that forms inside or on the surface of your ovaries. For many women, cysts often form on their ovaries but go unnoticed during the regular menstrual cycle.

This most common type of cyst, called a functional cyst, initially contains an egg starting to mature. The fully mature egg will cause the sac to release it along with the surrounding fluid. The mature egg will move into the fallopian tube where it can be fertilized. Functional cysts rarely occur during pregnancy.

Dangers caused by cysts on ovaries

Ovarian cysts during pregnancy that cause great concern are large, relatively solid masses that form due to unnatural or irregular bodily processes. Additionally, the problem posed by these and other cysts that form during pregnancy, regardless of size and whether or not they're benign, is that they may burst. When a cyst ruptures, it can release an overwhelming amount of bacteria into your body. Another danger is that cysts of all kinds can twist and cause severe pain.

A cyst is considered large when it exceeds two to three inches across. Cysts of this size that form on the ovaries during pregnancy will cause you significant pain. They will also press on your developing fetus. That's because the cysts, your child and surrounding organs are packed into such a small, cramped area.

Surgical removal

The need to remove ovarian cysts during pregnancy is not uncommon. Surgery is often prescribed to protect both you and your child prior to and during the child's delivery.

However, before undergoing the removal of ovarian cysts during pregnancy, your physician will perform an ultrasound scan to determine the most effective and least threatening course of action. You and your physician must protect you and your child by choosing surgery or some other effective treatment.

If surgery is necessary, the preferred time to remove cysts on ovaries during pregnancy is during the second trimester. That would be between the fourth and sixth month of pregnancy when the child's systems are relatively well developed.

While the odds are approximately 1 in 25,000 that an ovarian cyst during pregnancy is cancerous, large cysts must be removed or dissipated due to the possibility they'll cause a miscarriage or pre-term labor.
Standard open surgery conducted to remove threatening ovarian cysts during pregnancy, may require a large incision. However, your surgeon will probably rely on a minimally invasive laparoscopic procedure to remove the cyst without leaving a large scar.
Natural treatments enable you to avoid surgery

While surgery is often prescribed to remove cysts on ovaries during pregnancy, surgery can be very risky for a pregnant woman. Plus, surgery won't prevent cysts from reoccurring.

That means, if your doctor operated on you to remove cysts on your ovaries during mid-pregnancy, it is possible one or more large cysts could develop before you give birth.

To your advantage, you can benefit from many natural methods to relieve the pain and discomfort caused by ovarian cysts during pregnancy. These natural methods will also prevent cysts from forming in the fist place or after cysts have been removed or have disappeared due to other treatments.

Another significant benefit of natural methods is that they're completely safe for you and your baby.

Get the information you need to rid your body of ovarian cysts during pregnancy and ultimately prevent cysts from forming in the first place

Get the most thorough and effective information available to treat your ovarian cysts during pregnancy and enable you to prevent cysts from forming at all. Go to

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