Friday, February 19, 2010

Septated Ovarian Cysts --What Makes Septated Ovarian Cysts Different and Potentially Dangerous

Septated ovarian cysts' structure and components make these growths very different than simple ovarian cysts. Septated cysts consist of both liquid and solid segments separated by membrane walls. Septa means wall.
Doctors typically use ultrasound to assess the thickness of a septated cyst's inner walls. This thickness is a vital measurement when determining whether or not a cyst is malignant. Thicker walls can be an indication of cancer at the time of the ultrasound or a warning that the cyst may become cancerous.

Certain septated ovarian cysts require immediate attention

Once your physician evaluates a septated cyst's characteristics, the growth may have to be removed via laparoscopic surgery for further evaluation. While malignancy is uncommon, it requires immediate surgical attention. It is also possible -- due to a cyst's excessive size -- that your doctor will advise the cyst's surgical removal regardless of its type.

However, it is very common that a simple septated cyst will only require another ultrasound examination at a later date. Simple cysts can be eliminated easily by a number of treatment approaches.


Whether a cyst is septated, complex or simple, it can cause a number of symptoms including abdominal tenderness, mood changes, nausea, bleeding and discomfort during and after sexual intercourse.
Pain accompanied by a feeling of fullness is not unusual because as the cyst grows in diameter it exerts pressure on adjacent internal organs and blocks blood circulation. This reduced blood flow can severely damage these organs.

That's why it is vital for you to get medical attention to determine the cause of lingering lower abdominal soreness. Many women confuse such discomfort with menstrual pain or cramps.

Pregnancy similarities
A woman might think the general fatigue and cramps she is feeling are due to pregnancy. However a septated cyst's growth can have the same affect. So it is important that you determine the cause of fatigue and cramps and not assume you're expecting a baby.

Surgery is frequently unavoidable

More often than not, your physician will recommend surgery to completely eliminate a septated ovarian cyst. In some instances, medications can assist in reducing a cyst's size or even entirely eradicate it.

Consider natural treatments to rid your body of septated cysts

Many women are unaware that they can avoid surgery and medications to rid their bodies of ovarian cysts. They can benefit from all-natural treatment methods that thousands of women rely on for relief.

Holistic, natural remedies have been proven the most effective when treating septated and all other types of cysts because conventional remedies only treat the symptoms.

It is vital to go deeper with a treatment because cysts are formed due to many causes. A holistic system focuses on all potential causes and treats each one separately.

This natural, holistic approach not only rids your body of existing ovarian cysts, but it prevents cysts from again forming.
Get the information you need to rid your body of ovarian cysts and to prevent cysts from forming in the first place

Click here to get the information you need to apply proven natural remedies for ovarian cysts and to prevent ovarian cysts from returning.