Friday, January 15, 2010

Natural Remedies for Ovarian Cysts Relieve Pain and Prevent Cysts From Coming Back

Any woman who has suffered the pain and discomfort caused by ovarian cysts will tell you without hesitation that she

• Hates dealing with this problem, and

• Would go to great lengths to permanently rid her body of the continuing aggravation cysts cause.

The good news is women can benefit from natural remedies for ovarian cysts that they can easily apply themselves; plus, they are not limited to remedies involving medication or surgery.

Cysts -- fluid-filled growths -- can appear anywhere in a person's body. Some types of cysts form on a woman's ovaries. Ovarian cysts are most likely to appear during a woman's childbearing years.

A functional cyst, which forms during ovulation, is one of the most common types. They form when an egg is not released or the structure holding it does not disolve after the egg escapes.

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is characterized by numerous small cysts on the ovaries.

If you think you may have an ovarian cyst, you must visit your doctor who can make a proper determination.

Many symptoms are associated with ovarian cysts and PCOS.  Here are the most common:

• Insulin resistance
• Frequent need to urinate
• Appetite loss
• Pain during sexual intercourse
• Lower back pain
• Difficulty urinating
• Infertility
• Irregular menstrual periods, or none at all
• Weight gain
• Acne
• Pain during menstruation or abnormal bleeding
• High blood pressure
• Upset stomach
• Abdominal pressure
• Bloating or abdominal pain

Severe symptoms

• Vomiting
• Fever
• Shortness of breath and/or rapid breathing
• Fatigue
• Acute abdominal pain
• Dizziness
If any of these symptoms are present and your doctor tells you that an ovarian cyst is present, you needn't be alarmed. You have a number of natural options that you can apply to treat this problem.

Natural treatments that women can apply at home will not only dispel ovarian cysts, but such treatments will also prevent them from returning and causing more pain. The pain and misery generated by a ruptured cyst is extreme enough to keep a woman out of school or work for days.
An effective way to relieve such pain and benefit from immediate comfort is to sit down and relax with a cup of herbal tea and use a heating pad on the pelvic area. It is also wise to avoid wearing tight clothes that compress the pelvic area. Reducing pressure in this area is a key to finding comfort.

By taking an anti-steroidal drug such as Tylenol, you will help reduce inflammation and relieve pain. You should also avoid drinking alcohol because it will cause your body to dehydrate, which makes it difficult for your body to retain water required to filter out unwanted toxins.

Natural remedies for ovarian cysts are efficient and effective, but you must give them an opportunity to take hold and begin working. Some women who quickly begin taking prescribed medications for their cysts will learn that they'll continue suffering from ovarian cysts for years.

The key to getting rid of ovarian cysts is to properly manage your body and by knowing how to treat your symptoms.

Get the information you need to enjoy immediate, permanent and natural remedies for ovarian cysts

Liberate yourself from pain and discomfort by applying natural remedies for ovarian cysts. You'll continue to enjoy effective, safe and permanent relief. Go to

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