Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Ovarian Cysts and Fertility -- What You Should Know About Ovarian Cysts and Fertility

Because ovarian cysts are prone to affecting women during their childbearing years, ovarian cysts and fertility and the impact of cysts on a woman's ability to become pregnant can be of great concern to women who want to have children.
You may wonder if ovarian cysts can impair your fertility. Put quite simply, yes they can.

Ovarian cysts can make it difficult for you to become pregnant because cysts may interfere with your normal menstruation process. And if you have experienced pain and discomfort due to recurring ovarian cysts, it is likely you'll have problems conceiving.

However, the good news is that cysts rarely impact women after they've conceived.

Cysts are fluid-filled sacs that can form anywhere in a person's body.

The most common cyst that forms on the ovaries is called a functional cyst. They can be prevalent during ovulation when the egg remains in place or the pocket holding the egg remains intact after releasing the egg.

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) can cause many small cysts to form on the ovaries.

Most women will get cysts at some point in their lives, but most women will not be aware of a cyst's presence.

While ovarian cysts can be very common in most women, it is important to realize that severe pain or complications associated with such cysts is not at all common.

Common symptoms indicating the presence of cysts include

• Appetite loss
• Lower back pain
• Weight gain
• Frequent need to urinate
• Difficulty urinating
• Upset stomach
• Bloating or abdominal pain
• Pain during sexual intercourse
• Pain during menstruation or abnormal bleeding

Ovarian cysts can be particularly harmful and result in severe symptoms such as

• Acute abdominal pain
• Fever
• Vomiting
• Fatigue
• Shortness of breath and/or rapid breathing
• Dizziness

Treatments for cysts such as surgery or medications currently available via traditional medicine aren’t safe for pregnant women because they involve anesthesia or hormone supplements. That's why the most effective move a woman can make for herself is to learn as much as possible about natural methods that cause ovarian cysts to disappear and permanently prevent them from returning.

Any woman who wishes to become pregnant should know she can apply proven, reliable natural ways to rid her body of ovarian cysts.

Such methods can involve lifestyle choices as simple as changing your diet, taking long warm baths and applying different exercises and stress reduction techniques.

Ovarian cysts and fertility are a major concern to women who are trying to get pregnant. The best advice is that you should not stress out or worry about cysts. You should make the simple healthy changes your body needs to get rid of cysts, prevent their return and increase your chances of becoming pregnant.

Get the information you need to rid your body of ovarian cysts
Learn what you must know about ovarian cysts and fertility and how you can enjoy natural, effective, safe and permanent relief from cysts. Go to

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