Thursday, April 8, 2010

Stop! You Probably Don’t Need Ovarian Cyst Surgery--Here's Why

Many women face the frightening prospect of ovarian cyst surgery to remove ovarian cysts. While most ovarian cysts usually dissolve or otherwise disappear on their own, some require medical intervention or some other type of direct treatment.

To rid their bodies of the pain and discomfort caused by ovarian cysts, many women choose surgery. They believe surgery is their best option because it offers what appears to be immediate relief.

Unfortunately, however, ovarian cyst surgery provides only a temporary solution to what could be a continuing, reoccurring medical problem.

It is good to know that many women have found that undergoing painful and questionably-effective surgery is not the only means to rid their bodies of this malady. They've learned that by applying a variety of natural remedies, they can enjoy pain relief and permanently stop the formation of ovarian cysts.

Making simple dietary changes is frequently sufficient to cause cysts currently on your ovaries to start shrinking. Changes in your diet can also make a significant impact by reducing the possibility of future cyst formation.

Your best bet when it comes to treating cysts through diet is to prevent them from forming by eating alkaline-rich foods.

A high-alkaline diet is filled with vegetables, fruits, roots, nuts and tubers. By consuming a greater quantity of plant-based foods rather than processed foods, you help to prevent cyst formation because such foods add alkaline into your blood and other systems.

An alkaline-rich environment makes it difficult for new cysts to form and for existing cysts to continue growing. That's why your initial focus should be on developing a diet rich in alkaline-containing foods as your first defense against ovarian cysts.

Other dietary additives you can apply to counteract cyst formation and shrink existing cysts include the use of natural herbs, spices and plants. One effective combination would be one teaspoon each of vitex berries, burdock root, motherwort leaves and red raspberry leaves.

Another combination would include a half-teaspoon-each mix of ginger rhizome and prickly ask bark tinctures. Taking a few drops of this mixture two or three times a day should provide you with cyst-reducing results in two to three weeks.

Many women suffer because modern medicine does not offer a permanent cure for cyst growth and formation. Most frequently, the only alternatives women are aware of to treat cysts is to take birth control pills, manage the pain and discomfort while waiting for cysts to disappear or to undergo cyst-removal surgery.

The good news is that you can benefit greatly from many natural methods that provide relief from cysts on your ovaries. And one of the most immediate and effective natural alternatives is to change your diet and permanently rid your body of cysts.

Get vital information you can use to rid your body of pain caused by ovarian cysts and to prevent cysts from forming in the first place

Get the most thorough and effective information you can apply immediately to relieve ovarian cyst pain and discomfort and permanently prevent cysts from forming at all. Go to

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