Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Treatments For Burst Ovarian Cysts

Cysts are fluid-filled sacs that can form anywhere in or on a person's body. An ovarian cyst presents a serious problem when it grows too large for its thin-walled sac to contain it.

When the sac ruptures it becomes a painful burst ovarian cyst.

Ovarian cysts occur most frequently during a woman's childbearing years, and there are a few different kinds. The most common is a called a functional cyst which forms during ovulation when the egg fails to release or the sac containing the egg remains intact after discharging the egg.

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is characterized by numerous small cysts in the ovaries.

Most women have a few ovarian cysts during their lives, but most remain unaware when a cyst has formed. Sometimes, though, a cyst can generate lots of pain and produce bodily changes that make having children difficult. Such is the case with a ruptured cyst, which can also cause infections.

Symptoms indicating you may have a burst ovarian cyst

• Continuing, dull pain in the pelvic region which becomes particularly severe during menstruation or when you're physically exerting yourself such during exercise, participating in sports or even during bowl movements

• Irregular or cessation of your menstrual cycles

• Extreme lower abdominal pain
Severe ruptured ovarian cysts complications can be life threatening and require medical attention

• Twisting of an ovary

• Peritonitis

• Internal scarring

• Internal bleeding

Your doctor can determine weather or not you have a ruptured ovarian cyst by conducting an ultrasound or manual pelvic examination. Such exams will provide information concerning the cyst's size and location and whether it is simple or complicated.

Blood tests will determine if it is non-cancerous or if it will require a biopsy.

Treatment is provided according to the severity of the patient's condition.

A ruptured ovarian cyst frequently calls for immediate attention to stabilize the patient's breathing, blood circulation and blood pressure. Antibiotics control infection and oral contraceptives will reduce additional cyst formation in the short term. Analgesics are given to control pain.

A most effective method to control the occurrence of a ruptured ovarian cyst and to reduce the impact such a cyst has on your body is by means of holistic treatments.

Holistic methods are natural treatments that focus on diet, lifestyle and exercise. Such methods work consistently and very effectively for most women.

Another benefit of holistic methods is that you can apply them right away to give you fast relief from cyst-caused pain and discomfort while preventing future cyst formation.

What you eat and how much you eat is a vital element of a holistic system. Your diet will impact your day-to-day life positively or negatively and will determine your general wellbeing.

Avoid the pain and danger of a burst or ruptured ovarian cyst and prevent cysts from forming in the first place

Go to  to get the most thorough and effective information available to treat ovarian cysts 100% naturally.

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