Saturday, March 13, 2010

Prevent Endometrial Ovarian Cysts With Natural Treatments

Endometrial cysts are a type of ovarian cyst called “chocolate cysts” because they are filled with dark blood resembling chocolate syrup. These growths occur due to a condition known as endometriosis.

Endometriosis results when pieces of the uterine lining break away then attach to other organs. Most frequently, these floating pieces of tissue accumulate in or on one or both ovaries.

After a number of menstrual cycles, the endometrial tissues bleed and develop into endometrial cysts. Over time they can grow to become extremely large.

Endometrial cysts can prevent ovulation and cause infertility because they often envelop most of an ovary.

While some women are not aware when they have such a cyst on an ovary, others must cope with severe menstrual cramps or pain during intercourse or bowel movements.

Diagnosing Endometrial Cysts

Diagnosing endometriosis and its associated complications, such as frequent ovarian cysts, requires a thorough pelvic examination.

During this examination, your doctor may discover endometriosis-related nodules within the vagina, the rectum or on tissues supporting the uterus. Other disease indicators include tender and enlarged ovaries, abdominal growths or a uterus that's drawn back or attached to the rectum.

Various techniques used to diagnose endometriosis and to locate associated uterine and ovarian growths include magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and ultrasound.

Doctors use laparoscopic surgery to examine a woman's abdomen and surrounding organs by inserting a tiny lighted lens of a laparoscope through the navel.

A ruptured endometrial cyst can cause internal bleeding. And if the cyst's contents leak onto organs such as the bladder, uterus, fallopian tubes or intestines, it causes scar tissue to form. This can result in pain and potential fertility problems.

Most typically, doctors treat endometrial cysts with surgery or drugs

Surgical techniques

Doctors usually use laparoscopic surgery to remove an endometrial cyst and preserve a woman's fertility.

Doctors can also use laser surgery to cauterize ovarian cysts.

Medical treatments

Doctors will use drug therapy to treat these cysts when a patient does not intend to conceive because the drugs used for such applications prevent ovulation.

Natural treatments relieve pain and enable you to avoid surgery

If you're enduring endometrial cysts, you'd benefit greatly by applying natural treatments to shrink these growths and prevent them from returning. Natural treatments would enable you to avoid surgery or medical treatments.

You can help your body to control endometrial cysts with dietary supplements, vitamins and herbs. They'll also help you to balance your hormones, improve your overall health, strengthen your immune system and facilitate organ functions.

Before seeking relief through surgery, hormones, drugs, various pills or medications, first apply natural methods to relieve your pain and other symptoms caused by endometrial cysts.

An added benefit is that these natural methods are safe for you and your baby if you are pregnant.

Get the information you need to rid your body of endometrial cysts, to avoid ovarian cyst surgery and prevent cysts from forming in the first place
Get the most thorough information and effective information available to treat and prevent endometrial cysts and other types of cysts. Click here

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